2024 Scheduled Performers

The AeroShell Aerobatic Team performs tight, awe-inspiring formation aerial maneuvers in front of millions of airshow fans all over North America. With Mark Henley, team lead; Bryan Regan, right wing; Steve Gustafson, left wing; and Jimmy Fordham, slot; this four-ship of T-6 Texan aircraft perform a series of loops, rolls, and bomb bursts in close formation for a classic aerobatic routine.

JERRY MCCART "The Homewrecker"
The Homewrecker's three afterburners light up the runway as McCart races past the crowd. Over 36,000 horsepower is produced from the 18,000 lbs of thrust in the afterburners.

Airythmia will perform for the Day & Twilight Show!
Paramotors represent the “irregular” side of aviation. The minimal restrictions allow pilots to explore in one of the most free forms of flight.
Airythmia is a paramotor flight demonstration team that is passionate about sharing our amazing sport. The Airythmia team consists of instructors, professionals, and advocates within the paramotor community.

Tom Larkin
The "star" of MINI JET AIRSHOWS is a modified
SubSonex Jet, otherwise known as JSX003. It weighs 500 lbs, goes up to 300 mph, and it is fully aerobatic. If you've never seen a jet doing a full aerobatic routine in a small confined space, you're in for a real treat!

Buck Roetman
Smoke on! Get ready for an exciting, high energy aerobatic performance by Buck Roetman in his highly modified Pitts S2S! Amid the smoke and the roar of his 375+ horse power Lycoming engine, you will see Roetman perform amazing maneuvers in the sky above, that will have you gasping in awe. Roetman also performs a night act that highlights the 'softer side' of his Pitts S2S; using pyro sparklers. Whether you are enjoying his day show or his night performance, you will surely leave wanting more!

MH65 Search and Rescue Demonstration from the United States Coast Guard Air Station Atlantic City. The crew consists of two pilots up front, one Flight Mechanic/Hoist operator and one Rescue Swimmer.

pyrotechnic show
A must-see for every air show enthusiast. Precision aerobatics from many of the world's top air show performers mixed with amazing pyrotechnics, flashes of fire & lights illuminating the night.

new laser show
The newest addition to the Greenwood Lake Airshow is the Laser Show during the fireworks and pyrotechnic flying of Ghost Writer (Nate Hammond)

Great Smoke, noise and smooth aerobatics!! Ghost Writer (Nate Hammond) is the perfect airshow opener. After dark, Ghost Writer illuminates the night sky with wing mounted pyro and lights in a graceful ballet among the stars. Two miles high and ten miles wide, Skywriting is sure to get your message noticed!
Ghost Writer will be performing
in the Evening shows.

P-51 Mustang
The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang is an American long-range, single-seat fighter and fighter-bomber used during World War II and the Korean War, among other conflicts.
The P-51 Mustang will be performing in the Day shows.

The KC-135 Stratotanker's primary mission is to refuel long range bombers and transports. It also provides aerial refueling support to Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and allied fighter, reconnaissance, and cargo aircraft. Flight Demonstration in the Day show June 10th only. Subject to military availability.

C-130 Hercules
Primary mission is troop and cargo transport. Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 64 (VR 64) is a Navy Unique Fleet Essential Airlift squadron supporting Combatant Commander logistic requirements, providing continuous short notice world-wide joint forces and fleet logistics support.